Friday, April 16, 2010

WTF Friday

Crackberry - WTF happened to make you purge all your contacts and send me into a tizzy? You KNOW I can't survive without you...why would you do this to me?

New Trashman - I heart you today - you were nice and only laughed at me a little when I raced out of the house in my PJs to give you the trash. Thank you for waiting for me! Don't know WTF happened to the last one, but I like you WAY better!!

Crackberry Support Person 7 - WTF was wrong with people 1-6 that made me totally wipe my Crackberry when all YOU needed to do was simply change one tiny setting. I heart you for fixing the problem and hooking me up with some really cool apps.

PS - WTF do you NOT know how to tell time?? SERIOUSLY!! 6:00 means 6:00 NOT 7:30. I have plans and am now late thanks to you!! Again...WTF?!?!

Little Bro - WTF you call me this morning to tell me you will be in town tonight and we plan to meet for dinner then you drove through without stopping or calling?!?!?! Had I not called to tell you that PS was running late would you ever have called me?

Town Girl - OMFG WTF did we do? We're gonna see Tim McGraw!!! This is gonna be an awesome b-day weekend!!!

Farm Boy - WTF you called me during daylight hours just to see if I was ok. You were the last number dialed and I'm sorry that my purse did its version of the butt dial calling and hanging up multiple times. I promise I will remember to lock the keypad so I don't freak you out again. I heart you for calling and for the fact that when I got off the phone everyone wanted to know what was so funny.

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