Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thoughts From a Crackberry Addict

Hi, my name is Country Girl and I am a Crackberry addict.

Though I am not crazy about your touch pad at times I do treasure your blinking light which tells me when you need me to give you attention.

You have proven invaluable when a unique photo op presents itself and you are fast replacing the trusty digital camera. You did an excellent job last weekend and I thank you.

While I refuse to hook you up to my work email (though I would if the company would pick up the bill) your bluetooth syncs my calendar and contacts and helps keep me organized, in touch, and where I need to be on time. Thank you for working seamlessly with VZ Navigator so I don't go exploring at inopportune times.

When passing through a radio wasteland thanks for rocking me out with Pandora and making me smile.

Last but not least are your custom ring tones and message notification options. I am lazy...I admit it...I like knowing who's calling without having to look at the phone.
  • The GF's - Girls with Guitars
  • The Mom's - yup you guessed it...Crazy Bitch
  • Hunter Boy and Ladybug - Sweet Child of Mine
  • The Rents - Home is Where the Heart is
  • Little Bro - Sweet Home Alabama
  • Soldier Boy - Traveling Soldier
  • Town Girl - Here for the Party
  • Farm Boy - She Thinks my Tractor's Sexy
To the peeps...if you have the generic ring tone chances are I won't answer your call and you will have to leave a message which I may or may not reply to. If you recognize yourself on this list...yes, you can consider yourself special.

Sweet dreams dear Crackberry rest up, tomorrow's gonna be a long day...

Oh...and Farm Boy, I lied. I WAS asleep when you should thank dear Crackberry for singing your song so I answered sweetly "hey babe, how are you?" instead of growling "what the f do you want."

1 comment:

  1. I am addicted to the crack(berry) too. We must have different models, I have the Curve. It is not touch screen and I don't care BUT the one and ONLY bitch I have about it is the camera takes sucky pics, well that OR...I just don't know how to use the damn thing which is a VERY real possibility...LOL
